Community Charity Service
Mehrban Foundation is launching the following services and activities.
Educational Services:
The rural areas of Islamabad, where there are millions of people and mostly the poor and working class of the society are settled here, and these areas have always been hesitant that maybe CDA i.e. Development Authority of Islamabad will build a sector here. Therefore, neither this government organization does development work in these areas nor provides facilities. Roads etc. are being worked on but the real need of man is knowledge and skills. Twenty or twenty years pass in the same hesitation, and the children of the residents of these areas are deprived of good education, which not only increases ignorance and poverty in the society, but also increases the crime rate. Therefore, most criminals are born in these areas.
In these areas, there is no primary school for many miles. Therefore, the people who are of good standing pay thousands of rupees in fees and transport to educate their children in the schools of Islamabad, but the majority of people cannot educate their children.
Mehrban Foundation Islamabad is giving a lot of thought to this issue, and plans to establish a primary school after every kilometer, where children of poor people are given free books and free education. And the level of these schools should not be lower than government schools in any way.
This project of Mehrban Foundation requires a huge budget, in this regard, the support of philanthropists and people of heart is requested.
Skills and training
Mehrban Foundation Islamabad also intends to impart various skills, talents, art and training to the less educated youth. There are many youths who leave their education incomplete due to some reason, and due to lack of education they do not get any job, such youths can take computer courses, electrician, electronic, carpentry, welding, marketing according to their ability. , tailoring etc. wants to enable one to earn a decent living by imparting training and education in various things. It also includes courses for women according to their ability.
Supply Employment Scheme
Mehrban Foundation provides employment to people who know a skill, but cannot practice their skill due to lack of funds, or non-availability of information and support, and all kinds of support, including Wants to give financial, guidance, search included. There are many young people in remote areas who can come to the city and earn good jobs, but there is no one they know in the city who will support them for some time, including housing, food, and employment. Mehrban Foundation Islamabad aims to provide employment assistance, temporary accommodation and food to such youths in Islamabad, so that they can stand on their own feet and earn.
Supply food
Mehrban Foundation Islamabad also plans to provide food to widows and orphans on a monthly basis along with education. which includes ration, house rent, and cooked food and other necessities of life.
Support of Sadat families
An important objective in the establishment of Mehrban Foundation Islamabad, rather it would not be wrong to say that the thought that led to the foundation of Mehrban Foundation was that white-clothed people belonging to Bani Hashim i.e. Sadat families who are also deserving and They do not want to take Zakat, because Sadats are not given Zakat, all kinds of financial support should be given to the beneficiaries belonging to such Sadat families in the name of Atiyab. So that their whiteness is also maintained and financial support can be given to them through donations without Zakat.
In this regard, philanthropists are requested to cooperate through their special Sadat Atiyab. This is a kind of spending that has a lot of rewards, especially when someone donates thinking that it is the family of the Holy Prophet.
Medical facilities
Mehrban Foundation Islamabad also plans to start first aid, dispensaries, ambulance service to provide medical facilities in rural areas. In this regard, by organizing free medical camps of doctors and hakims, people will be provided easy and free treatment.
Funeral arrangements
A big problem for the people of other cities living in Islamabad is funeral. Finding a place for a grave is very difficult. Many people move the dead body of an older man to their native areas, while it is difficult to arrange so much for the dead body of children, so people want to bury them in Islamabad, but there is no place for the grave.
In this regard, dedicating a place for a cemetery in the outskirts of Islamabad where necessary, providing an ambulance service to transfer the dead to their native areas are also included in the plan of Mehrban Foundation.
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